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Saturday, November 25, 2006


this time, i told myself i'd be redi and equipped for this upcoming trip.. hahaha.. i am serious! i came in prepared with all the stuff from gadget to sustenance hehehe.. my itenerary last time is to clear the way and obstacles.. and now that the road is paved and open..hahaha a whole lotta new adventure awaits..

i left point zero (shop) at exactly 5:33 am ...then i head on.. i make sure that all is documented from step one to the last leg.... this is worth my personal treasure safekeep..
..and they say that onli pictures can tell the true story behind every feat.. well dig in guys..

point zero...

morning glimpse of whats ahead..

Valle Cruz...Our own version of Smokey Mountain @ 5:45 am
Foggy and Ghastly morning trek reminds me of silent hill. current status is 5 km away from .0km

this is right in front of Irene ville ... still 11 punches away..
one of those memorials with manicured grass.. still dark me the creeps.. as no one is outside the street at that time..

First stop of the trip... i have to stop every hour to keep myself from exhausting too early and a good chance for a gulp to prevent my engine from dehydration know drying up always awards us with cramps..

landmarks that should've been taken cared for, maintained and preserved..

this is what im talking about.. who need postcards man?!!

...after this bend there'll be no turning back unless your too fag to give up..hehe..
no one but urself and ur inspiration will keep u going.. the next stop wud be kilometers away, no stores to buy H20, no shade of trees along the road... nothing but the savanna and the harsh heat of the sun will be your company....also at this point the trip is now "half the battle"..

the site of the Great Raid/Rescue. i stopped by to give respect to the monument..
.. a pitstop after a painstaking 3 km walk, a good time for a leak.. there is a clean CR available for those who visited the place.. .. and a magtataho came by to help suffice my drooling, over his newly cooked(?) prepared taho..
wait.. im here for a reason not taste-testing every taho ..hehehe..
in just 10 minutes after my senses came back.. i'm in front the palayan thats just fast..
..i mean no more stops, no more bluddging..hehe..yes im a bludger.. time is 7:23 am
the only true bridge youl'l pass..
im confused ???? is this bridge constructed and finished in the year 1950 or is it that the company that the metal came from is established at 1950.. ??? help?? lasting bridge though...
"The Flying House"
..hehe the arch appears of what supposed to be the replica of the Provincial Capitol .. nice arch..bright ideas sir.. now at least we know 1.0% of our tax went on something usefull..hehehe
halt!! salute!! ten...shun!! ahaha human-figure greeters!!
a girl scout, a boy scout, and a mysterious looking smiling soldier..
"The Long and Winding Road" of many of the Palayan outskirts long and exhausting road.. by this point im 4 stretches away to palayan zero marker and by now my legs started to feel a little twitch..the sun is getting scorching hot and cramps are starting to tag along..

3 more punches!! at this stage miraculuosly i didn't feel any exhaustion.. i now use a walking stick to keep up with balance and aid in walking..
at last.. point zero..hahaha The FINAL leg!! ahahaha.. this is exactly 8:45 am.. the point is right in front of the town plaza..
..from point zero palayan city, i carried on and covered a little more over 5kms.. the cam had just lost its ability to take pictures because the battery is too low to continue... afterwards.... i got to a bus from the capitol terminal and head home.. i retraced my steps along the way, and arrive again at point zero cabanatuan city at exactly 9:35am. i guess now that the road is fully open .. going further isn't going to be that hard .. more opportunities are coming along the way and beyond.. this trip has done a lot to mylife.. it allows me to reflect on myself and my community while on the solves some of my problem as the trip is long and i got lots of time soving it. i hope this serves as an inspiration to my readers and mga buraot. i don't care about the oddness of my trip as long as im focused on my goals nothing is imposible i might just enjoy the journey.. thats what i learned today.. tnx for reading guys.. oddness is next to Godliness!! hehehe

Tuesday, November 21, 2006