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Tuesday, December 05, 2006


STILL POSTING HERE IN PALAYAN... MY THIRD ATTEMPT TO BEAT THE ODDS...HEHE i should be on a nursing class today ...fortunately the bludger teacher is currently bludging.. and has made a sick call (sicky) hehehe.. he wishes.. anyway this time i walked faster because according to my trusty time keeper.. its just 8:10am ... compared to the last time i did it.... i arrived at exactly i'm keeping the phase and going faster.. plus... little cramps today and a twitch of a foot ache.. hehe...improving.. and i recon some guys are inspired and wanting to join the walkathon club.hehehe.. they named it not me.. in fact they asked me if they could join the next trip..i said yes.. cause this is what it's all about... giving hope and inspiration.. so to all who wanted to join the odd trip..feel free to ask me for the itenarary..and i would be glad to be ur company.