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Monday, September 18, 2006

The First bj dotA War.

'heard about the Bj's first dotA war.. no? well , where the hell have you been man?! the first Gruesome and gory battle was held at the bj battlefield last wednesday..the news spread like a squatters area fire, thanks to the guys that passes the tsismis.. here are some Info about the fcki*@#! and gut spilling event:

Team 1: team bj
Player 1: John Kneicel "lamutak"
Player 2: Yusuke "yuske" (bad day,hehe)
Watcher: Ronald "raven" Maderia(hehe...)

Team 2: Comp box imports
player 1: aka "Vinson" (Gmaster(night)/george shop(morning)..

player 2: aka insan ni lamutak (george shop)..
watcher: Dude in School Uniform who appears to have no Classes that day(at least..i think...) sori guys i didn't get ur tym..

sirens and trumpets was blown at exactly 6:07Pm(start of war), head splitting, shield banging, blood spilling and flags were down (end of battle) 7:44Pm.

2 hours of sweat producing match.. but in the end ...only the Victors prevail and appears to have a Victorious window on the monitor screen... misserably it's not the bj team..! ampupu!!

the guys didn't win but, at least they looked like they won..y? because two High School Class-cutters almost shred two serious comp-carreer guys into pieces hehe..the other team admits.. however.. we are still losers.. wtf!!

here are some photo from that fight-night...

the next tournament will be up soon and sooner than you think.. can't wait for a revenge and claim back my last pusta(hehe).. whose neck will be wrung next and whose pusta will double hehe!! i will keep you guys posted..