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Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Note: Surely i assure you guys, this is not a date-of-birth kind of blog.. since most of my recent post's are birth dates and D-O-B celebration and i know that i had to put a lid on it but, i can't give it up for this one.. hehe.. I-Pod is Five years old!!

Five years, five major "generations"... it's time to pay our respects to what is, if not the most innovative, the most influential piece of consumer electronics in recent memory: The Apple iPod.
Contrary to common misconception, the iPod was not the first MP3 player—not by a longshot. The original MP3 player dates back to the Eiger Labs MP3Man, released in 1998, a full three years before the iPod came around. While you've probably never heard of Eiger Labs, you may remember the Diamond Rio, the first MP3 player to really catch on. (It was so popular it also has the distinction of being the first electronics company sued by the RIAA over the legality of digital music, a suit which the RIAA eventually lost.)
But Eiger and Diamond came and went, paving the way for the Apple iPod, introduced with a 5GB hard drive on October 23, 2001, with the promise of putting "1,000 songs in your pocket."

Happy birthday, little guy!